WMMC Consultancy strives to help organizations make critical decisions that increase efficiency and sustainability. We provide expert advice and services in areas like Strategy, Management Consultancy, Business Coaching, (AI-)Technology, Food Security and Agriculture and Renewable Energy to name a few.
WMMC Business Ambassadors are the International Business Match Makers!
We bring parties together to build strong partnerships and greater successes.
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do”
-Steve Jobs-

For more than two decades WMMC advises companies in hiring of staff through executive recruitment and general manpower supply, both local and international.
We work with reputational agencies in Asia, Africa and European countries to realise the best match between employee and employer, and where needed we support in preparing the selected candidates with guidance and training to ensuring from all processes are running smooth from the first interview until deployment.
Also our agents support selected candidates prior their Appointment for Visa/OCI/Passport services/Consular services at the relevant VFS Centre with the aim to be successful with their Visa application.
With an increasing demand for manpower to European countries and in different industries, WMMC has extended the portfolio of candidates in different disciplines .
Below overview shows the different industries and sectors where we work with our international partners to supplying required workforce.
WMMC only works with licensed recruitment agencies, where applicable with Government Reference letters!