WMMC Consultancy strives to help organizations make critical decisions that increase efficiency and sustainability. We provide expert advice and services in areas like Strategy, Management Consultancy, Business Coaching, (AI-)Technology, Food Security and Agriculture and Renewable Energy to name a few.
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“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do”
-Steve Jobs-

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Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)
One of the most common FAQ´s is ´Why do I need batteries to store my energy?´
First of all let us clarify that battery energy storage systems fulfill objectives that generate multiple benefits:
- integration of variable renewables, - improvement in energy efficiency,
-reliability of electricity supply, and - access to and security of energy.
Battery energy storage systems have a critical role in transforming energy systems that will be
clean, efficient, and sustainable and are available for both the commercial and residential markets.
With our business partners we offer different solutions with different types of batteries for different types of situations.
Storage solutions can also be in ways of On-Grid and Off-Grid solutions, all depending on the situation.
Below you will find a few examples which can be used for home, office and industrial environments,
but also a 100% stand-alone 'off-grid' solution is possible.
Home solution (15kw)
Outdoor solution (58 KwH)
Industrial solution (86 KwH)